JSW Capital Group
The JSW Capital Group is the largest producer of high-quality hard coking coal in the European Union, which is on the list of critical raw materials for the EU economy, and one of the leading producers of coke used for smelting steel. The core business of the JSW Group is the production and sale of coking coal as well as the production and sale of coke and coal derivatives.
In 2022, plants belonging to the JSW Capital Group produced 14.1 million tonnes of coal and 3.2 million tonnes of coke. In addition, JSW is at the forefront in developing techniques for capturing and industrial use of "Blue Fuel" – coal mine methane for the production of electricity, heat and cold in cogeneration and trigeneration systems. In 2022, in the mines of JSW S.A. 123 million m3 of methane was captured, of which 90.9 million m3 were used