REM Project

The European Research Fund for Coal and Steel gave the highest rating to the REM project submitted by a consortium of companies: GIG-PIB, INiG-PIB, JSW. S.A., PIG-PIB, UNIOVI (Universidad de Oviedo), INSEMEX (Institutul National de Cercetare Dezvolare Pentru Securitate Minierasi Protectie Antiexploziva Insemex Petrosani). The project 'Reduction of methane emissions from post-mining areas to minimise methane input to ventilation air' operates under the working acronym REM. It is implemented at Pniówek mine and is scheduled for completion in 2027.
The project is aimed at determining the possibility of extracting methane from the goafs of an active mine and constructing a methane drainage system for a reduced concentration of methane in the extracted gas. The Pniówek mine, owned by Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa, will host the world's first innovative installation to reduce methane emissions into the atmosphere from abandoned areas of a working mine. Methane extracted from post-mining goafs will be used to produce electricity in specially designed gas engines, connected to power generators. The solutions tested in this project will ultimately be introduced in all JSW mines. They can also be successfully used in any coal methane mine characterised by a multi-deck deposit.
This completely innovative, comprehensive management of post-mining methane emissions, aimed at reducing VAM in Polish and Romanian coal mines, will significantly increase operational safety and reduce the carbon footprint of mines. This will be a real contribution of methane coal mines to the ambitious Global Methane Pledge targets set for the energy sector. The innovative techniques proposed in REM will be the subject of international patents and can be applied with prior adaptation in methane coal mines around the world. The REM project will be professionally supported by an international consortium comprising members (GIG, JSW, INiG, PGI) of the International Centre of Excellence for Coal Mine Methane in Poland (ICE CMM Poland) established within the UNECE CMM Expert Group.
For further info visit official project website: