ProVAM project
Project 'Reduction of methane emissions from ventilation air in the transformation of hard coal mining', under the acronym 'ProVAM' is co-financed by the European Research Executive Agency from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel. The project, carried out by a consortium comprising GIG- PIB, IMG PAN, KOMAG, IICH PAN, UNIOVI, INSEMEX, DUERR SYSTEMS and JSW S.A, is expected to last 36 months.
The ProVAM project is a research and development project and its aim is to comprehensively develop assumptions and guidelines for the utilisation of VAM by analysing and studying the parameters of air emitted from European coal mines, multi-criteria forecasting of CH4 emissions in the process of transformation of the coal mining sector, identification of limitations and definition of conditions for the construction of VAM reduction facilities, and analysis of the possibility of adapting available VAM utilisation solutions. Selection of a suitable and development of a dedicated ventilation methane utilisation technology based on laboratory tests and economic analysis of its application. Development of a model and simulation of operation of the VAM utilisation plant and subsequent testing of the technology under the quasi-real conditions of the Barbara Experimental Mine, which will enable the development of a concept for its application at the mine.
The ProVAM project fits perfectly with the issues raised in the European Green Deal being implemented by the European Commission and the proposal currently under way for a new European Commission Regulation on methane emissions reductions in the energy sector.
- Project budget - € 2 817 377.50
- Funding - € 1 690 426.50
- JSW S.A. budget. - 165 000 €
- Funding for JSW S.A. - 99 000 €